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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Homeowner Rehabilitation Program

** This program is currently closed **

Homeowner Rehabilitation Program 

Funding for this program is provided through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  Lexington County offers two (2) types of homeowner rehabilitation programs:

  1. Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation (CHR) - repairs up to $30,000.  The HOME Investment Partnership Program funds this CHR program.
  2. Minor Home Repair (MHR) - repairs up to $15,000.  The MHR is funded by the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG).

 Funds will be awarded on a first-come/first-served basis for eligible applicants.  Funds will generally be granted as deferred forgivable loans.Homeowner

Please call the Community Development Department's Grant Programs Division at 803-785-8121 for more information on this rehabilitation program.  You may also email



Eligibility Guidelines
  • The property must be located in Lexington County.
  • The applicant must own and occupy the property as their principal residence for a minimum of 18 months prior to submitting an application. (Life estates and contract for sale are not eligible) 
  • The after-rehabilitation property value must be less than 95 percent of the median purchase price for Lexington County ($162,000). The value may be determined by the County staff appraiser or tax assessor. 
  • Only single-family detached or manufactured homes are eligible for assistance through this program. If you are requiring assistance for a manufactured home, the home must be less than 20 years old and have permanent utility hook ups and foundation. Rehabilitation for manufactured homes is only eligible through the Minor Home Repair Program.. 
  • The property must require improvements in one or more of the following categories:
    • The property presently does not conform to  HUD Section 8 MHQS or related local codes and regulations (i.e. building, housing, fire, electrical and plumbing codes);
    • The condition and appearance of the property is detrimental to the neighborhood environment;
    • Handicapped accessibility.
  • The applicant must be income eligible: (see chart below)
Eligibility Guidelines

Number Of

Persons In







2 $46,200
3 $51,950
4 $57,700
5 $62,350
6 $66,950
7 $71,550
8 $76,200


Source: US Department of Housing & Urban Development.  Figures on this chart are subject to change without notice, as   calculated by HUD.