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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM



Judicial Sales:

Judicial Sales on the first Monday of the month will be held in the Lexington County Judicial Center in courtroom 3-A


2020 Cares Act Statewide Assistance Programs

Default Hearing Information Handout

Special 3rd Party Sales Instructions

Notice of Hearing by Video/Telephone Conference

Waiver of In Person Court Appearance & Consent to Video/Audio Conferencing

Post Sale Procedure For Foreclosure Cases

Possible Resources for Evicted Owners, Tenants or Occupants




The Master-in-Equity Court is considered a division of the Circuit Court. The Master-in-Equity hears most foreclosure cases as well as a number of civil, non-jury matters. This is the only South Carolina court in which no action may be initiated. Each case heard by the Master-in-Equity Judge is assigned by the Circuit Court, using a procedural device known as an Order of Reference. Once a case is referred to this court, the Master-in-Equity shall exercise all power and authority which a circuit judge sitting without a jury would have in a similar matter.  All records for cases referred to this court are located in the Clerk of Court Records Room on the First Floor of the Judicial Center.


Court Reporter Information

Lexington County Master-In-Equity office does not have a court reporter.  Therefore:

- Plaintiff to provide court reporter for trial, pursuant to Rule 607

- Moving Party to provide court reporter for motion hearings.

- Court Reporter Procedures



Judicial Sale Buyer Due Diligence Article

The Court also recognizes that the average third-party bidder similarly has a multitude of issues to consider before bidding at a judicial sale.

            “The well published rise in defaults of subprime mortgages has created tempting opportunities to purchase real estate at bargain prices. With foreclosure sales being scheduled on a daily basis, foreclosing attorneys frequently receive calls from clients and    others wanting to be walked through the potential pitfalls in the foreclosure bidding process. There are risks, so a potential bidder should learn as much as possible about the property and process prior to placing the first bid. . . . In order to protect against the risks discussed above, a prudent bidder interested in buying property at a foreclosure sale will, prior to making a bid, spend the time and money necessary to conduct, to the extent possible, the same investigations conducted by buyers in traditional real estate transaction.     Otherwise, the bidder may not get the anticipated bargain. Foreclosure sales may call for the clearest application of caveat emptor.” Clifford P. Parson & C. Joseph Roof, Prudent Bidding at a Foreclosure Sale, South Carolina Lawyer, January 2009 at 12, 15.

New Judicial Sale Roster Access Information

Lexington County Master-in-Equity has been transferred to the statewide CMS system which has resulted in a change to the sale roster format and access. Please click here(PDF) for instructions.

Judicial/Foreclosure Sales Information and Links

Judicial/Foreclosure Sale Roster

Judicial/Foreclosure Sale Results 

Judicial Index Search