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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Financial Transparency

The following three reports are prepared each month to help with the orderly, timely release of financial information at the Fund, Department, and Transactional levels.


1- The Fund Account Activity Report (Balance Sheet) This report is in Fund Order and displays the Balance Sheet of each Fund. (Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balance Accounts)


2- The Budget Status Report (By Departmental Line-Item) This report displays Current Budget, Amount Spent, Amount Encumbered, and Remaining Balance by line-item, within each Department, sorted by Fund.


3- Organizational Detail Activity (By Departmental Transaction) This report provides the Transaction Detail for each line-item in report No. 2.  

FY 2024-2025

FY 2023-2024

FY 2022-2023

FY 2021-2022

FY 2020-2021

FY 2019-2020

FY 2018-2019

FY 2017-2018

FY 2016-2017

FY 2015-2016

FY 2014-2015

FY 2013-2014

FY 2012-2013

FY 2011-2012

FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010