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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Public Information & Education Resources

Lexington County EMS has an integrated Community Paramedic program as a proactive approach to enhancing community health and well-being. This specialized program extends beyond traditional emergency response, focusing on Community Advocacy, Prevention, and Education (CAPE). Community Paramedics serve as a bridge between emergency medical services and the broader healthcare system, addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and aiming to reduce preventable emergency calls.

Their primary mission centers on:

  • Community Advocacy:
    • Community Paramedics act as advocates for patients with chronic conditions, limited access to healthcare, or social determinants of health that impact their well-being.
    • They work to connect individuals with appropriate resources, such as primary care physicians, social services, and community support programs.
    • They work to help navigate the complexities of the healthcare system.
  • Prevention:
    • A key focus is on preventing exacerbations of chronic conditions and avoiding unnecessary emergency department visits.
    • Community Paramedics conduct home visits to assess patients' health status, provide education on medication adherence, and identify potential health risks.
    • They may also provide preventative care, such as blood pressure checks, glucose monitoring, and fall prevention assessments.
  • Education:
    • Community Paramedics educate individuals and their families on self-management strategies for chronic conditions, promoting healthy lifestyles, and recognizing early warning signs of health deterioration.
    • They also engage in community outreach, providing education on topics such as CPR, first aid, and disease prevention.
    • They work to empower citizens to take charge of their own health.

By focusing on CAPE, Lexington County EMS Community Paramedics aim to improve the overall health of the community, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance the quality of life for its residents. This proactive approach allows EMS to play a vital role in population health management, extending its impact beyond traditional emergency response.



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If you want to reach out to one of our Community Paramedics, please contact their office and leave a message. 

Office number 803-785-5363

Office hours Mon-Fri 0800-1700


Is it an Emergency? The American College of Emergency Physicians (TM) addresses common concerns

Public Access Defibrillation for your workplace, church or school