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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Fire Marshal

Mission Statement

The Lexington County Fire Marshal’s Division ensures the safety of all people who live, work, and travel to Lexington County through fire and life safety education programs, commercial fire code compliance, and post fire investigation.

The Lexington County Fire Marshal’s Division is under the direct supervision of the Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention (County Fire Marshal). This Division is comprised of a Senior Deputy Fire Marshal, Plans Review Officer, and three regional Deputy Fire Marshals, each responsible for fire code compliance and prevention activities within the three respective Countywide regions.  The Division focuses on risk reduction through the following activities:

  • Enforcement of Life Safety Code violations.
  • Conducting fire and life safety inspections for new and existing buildings.
  • Commercial building plans review for fire code compliance.
  • Post fire/explosion investigations and assisting with the prosecution of fire related criminal offences.
  • Coordinating a variety of community risk reduction programs to better educate the public on fire related incidents and safety.

New Construction Project Inspections

Jason Smith
Senior Deputy Fire Marshal

Phone: (803) 231-8277

New Construction Plans Review

Robert Risinger
Plans Review Officer

Phone: (803) 785-8145

Image of Map Displaying the Fire Marshal Regions
Region 1

Jason Fulmer
Deputy Fire Marshal

Phone:  803-785-3538

Region 2

Nick Uveges
Deputy Fire Marshal

Phone:  803-605-5857

Region 3

Adam Harmon
Deputy Fire Marshal

Phone:  803-587-3650


Code Enforcement 

The goal of the Fire Marshal’s Division is to enforce the compliance of the South Carolina State Fire Code in businesses, occupancies, and permitted operations. Routine field and administrative inspections of fire and life safety systems within these categories are a key part in meeting this goal. Inspections can range from large commercial business to a public fireworks display to assemblies and restaurants.


Site Assessment Report Requests 

To request a site assessment report for a property for  information regarding fire inspections, hazardous materials response, and fire related calls to properties , the requester must complete a site assessment request form and send by US mail , email or fax to the Lexington County Fire Service Headquarters for processing. A minimum of 15 working days is required for processing of this request and a $30.00 per property fee is required prior to releasing of the requested information.
        US Mail:

Lexington County Fire Service
436 Ball Park Road
Lexington , SC 29072 

FAX:    803-785-8589 

Email:     Attn: Deputy Chief Dean Anderson


Fire Plan Reviews  

The Fire Plans Examiner reviews all plans for new construction and remodeling projects within the unincorporated areas of Lexington County. This position is responsible for reviewing site plans, fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler systems, smoke evacuation systems, fire pumps, standpipes, and other fire and life safety components.


Fire Investigations

Investigations are not only a necessary function to determine the origin and cause of a fire, they also help the fire service better understand the behavior of fire as well as educate the community on methods to reduce and prevent fire related incidents from occurring. Following the extinguishment of a fire related incident, an investigation will take place as to determine the origin and cause. At times, this can be an extremely challenging task depending on the extent of destruction caused by the fire and may require additional resources.


Fire Safety Education and Community Risk Reduction (CRR)

Fire Safety Education and CRR is a function that offers safety programs to the public as well as providing valuable information and resources to help reduce fire related incidents in the community, and increase the quality of life. Some of the programs offered are static apparatus displays, puppet shows, lectures, smoke alarm/carbon monoxide alarm installations, and alarm battery replacements. Custom programs may also be designed upon request, subject to the availability of resources to fit specific needs.


Fire Service Permitting                              Fee Schedule 

     General Fire Permits

A fire permit is required for all  new construction, additions and renovations for the following fire protection features prior to beginning any work within Lexington County. Please allow 2-5 business days for issuance of permits.

  •  Fire alarms
  • Fire sprinkler
  • Standpipe systems
  • Commercial Kitchen Hoods
  • Commercial Kitchen Hood Suppression systems
  • All other automatic extinguishing systems
  • Paint Booths
  • Any other related permits as described if necessary by the International Fire Code


Fireworks Permit

A fireworks permit is required to perform any proximate audience or Commercial Outdoor Public fireworks display within Lexington County. A complete fireworks plan review permit packet  must be submitted to this office with the Lexington County $75.00 permit fee (which does NOT include the fee to OSFM for the state permit) for each permit, FIFTEEN DAYS prior to submittal to the State Fire Marshal’s office for review by the County Fire Marshal’s Office.  Lexington County fireworks permits are valid for 30 days. Upon review and approval by the County Fire Marshal’s Office of either the COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR DISPLAY PERMIT or PROXIMATE AUDIENCE PERMIT the form will be returned to the requestor and must be submitted to the South Carolina State Fire Marshal’s Office for their review and approval.  

Fireworks permits from this office will only be issued after approval from the South Carolina Sate Fire Marshal’s  Office.  A FIRE WATCH WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE FOR EACH DISPLAY.


Land Clearing burning 

Land Clearing Debris - Land clearing debris means any waste generated by the removal of debris, logs, trees, brush or demolition material from any site in preparation for land improvement or construction projects which are not classified as forestry , wildlife or agriculture as authorized by the South Carolina Forestry Commission. Lexington County Fire Service will require a permit to perform land clearing burns under this definition. Land clearing burns will be permitted through the Lexington County Fire Marshal’s office. Applicants are required to submit a site plan outlining the scope of the burn , the acreage and estimated time frame the burning will take place. This site plan must include property boundaries , roadways and structures adjacent to the burn site as well as the distance to those components.

Burns for the purpose of  forestry , wildlife and agriculture as authorized by the South Carolina Forestry Commission and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control shall not be permitted by the Lexington County Fire Service.