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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered on this page, please contact us at (803) 755-3325.

  1. What is “pre-cycling” and how is it different from recycling?
    Pre-cycling is another name for source reduction or using less material in the first place. Recycling, on the other hand, is taking an existing material and turning it into something else.
  2. Do products cost more if they're made from recycled materials? 
    It depends on the item. Most recycled-content paper costs about the same as paper made from new materials. As more people purchase items made with recycled-content materials, the costs of those items will decrease.
  3. Are recycled products as good of quality as "new" products?
    Yes. Manufacturers meet the same standards of quality for recycled-content products as they do with products made from raw materials.
  4. Doesn’t grasscycling cause thatch buildup?
    No. Grass roots are the primary cause of thatch build up, not grass clippings.
  5. Does grasscycling require a special mower or mower attachment?
    No. Mulching mowers do cut grass into finer pieces so that it decomposes more quickly but you can grasscycle with any mower. Just mow regularly and don't allow your grass to get too long.
  6. I heard that grass clippings damage lawns. 
    Mowing regularly and at the proper height improves your lawn. If you allow the grass to grow too long between cuttings, the thick patches of mowed clippings will suffocate your lawn in those areas. This problem can be minimized by gradually reducing your lawn to its proper height over a period of two or three mowings. Never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf surface at any one time.
  7. What is compost?
    Compost is biodegradable material that decomposes through the process of decomposition. Decomposition is the process of producing compost through aerobic decomposition of biodegradable matter.
  8. Why should I compost? 
    Composting becomes free, nutrient-rich fertilizer and you won't have to purchase artificial fertilizer any more. Compost also helps the environment and reduces the amount of trash you have.
  9. What materials can I compost?
    The easiest and best materials to compost are fruit peels, such as orange peels and banana peels. Vegetable scraps can be decomposed as well. Stay away from composting meat products though, they will rot and emit bad smells. Click here.
  10. Do I have to use the compost bin to compost materials?
    No, you don't. Basically any bucket or box that can hold moisture and soil with holes or areas for air ventilation will compost materials efficiently. However, compost bins are designed to suit compost well, such as ventilation for oxygen and other gases to be released, and protection from the elements.
  11. How long does it take for the materials to fully decompose?
    It usually takes a few months for organic materials to decompose in a compost bin left outside.