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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Reduce What You Use

Waste reduction includes:

  • Purchasing the most durable products you can afford; 
  • Seek products and packaging that are as free of toxins as possible;
  • Buy products with minimal packaging and/or packaging that can be recycled in your community;
  • Evaluate daily waste-producing activities to determine which ones are essential (such as buying medicines and food wrapped in packaging for our safety and health) and which are not (over packaged single serving items) 

Ten Easy Ways You Can Reduce Your Waste

  • Buy concentrates, larger–sized containers or products in bulk.
  • Use both sides of paper and make double-sided photocopies.
  • Borrow or rent items that you use infrequently. Use a coffee mug instead of a disposable cup.
  • Some coffee shops even provide discounts for customers who bring their own mugs.
  • Carry a canvas or net tote bag when you shop. It's a safe, convenient way to carry purchases and eliminates the need for disposable paper or plastic bags.
  • Use cloth napkins and kitchen towels instead of paper ones. Use e-mail to share documents and ideas.
  • When using the Internet, bookmark Web pages instead of printing out the information. Reduce your junk mail by contacting the Direct Marketing Association .
  • Use LED bulbs instead of fluorescent or regular incandescent ones. LED bulbs are more efficient,  have a longer life span, emit more light with less heat generation, and don't contain traces of mercury as found in fluorescent bulbs.
  • Use rechargeable batteries.