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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

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Reuse What You Can

10 Easy Ways You Can Reuse Every Day Items

  • Don’t throw away loose fill packing peanuts. Use them again or give them to someone who can.
  • Save egg cartons and clean foam meat trays for school or church art supplies.
  • Use the Sunday comics for wrapping paper. Old plastic shower curtains make great paint drop cloths.
  • Use old, worn out clothing for rags. Give usable but unneeded building materials and paint to neighbors, community groups, theatres, schools, Habitat for Humanity.
  • Use junk mail and used paper for scratch pads.
  • Use empty yogurt containers to make single serving gelatin or pudding cups for kids’ lunches.
  • Donate usable second hand goods to charity. Turn file folders inside out and use them again

Simply put, reuse is the continuing use of an item for its original purpose or for a new use.