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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Collection and Recycling Centers

WHEN Are the Collection and Recycling Centers Open?
They are Open:
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
  • Sundays 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
They are Closed:
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • New Year's Day (January 1st)
  • Independence Day (July 4th)
  • Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
  • Christmas Day (December 25th)

They may also be closed due to severe weather or other emergency situations. Every effort will be made to notify the public if such closings are required. Check the "County of Lexington" Facebook page for unscheduled closings, check this website or call the Solid Waste Management Administrative office at (803) 755-3325.


WHO May Take Material to the Collection and Recycling Centers?

Lexington County residents may bring material from their primary residence to Collection and Recycling Centers.  Code Enforcement Officers may be onsite to scan license plates and may ask to see a driver’s license or other proof of residency.


Material generated by businesses in Lexington County is not accepted at the Collection and Recycling Centers, but may be brought to the Edmund Landfill, located at 498 Landfill Lane, Lexington SC 29073.


Material generated by residents in other counties is not accepted in Lexington County and should be taken to the county in which the resident lives.



WHAT Is Accepted At Collection and Recycling Centers?

Aluminum Beverage Cans
  • Empty and rinse
  • NO aluminum foil or pans (discard)
  • NO plastic bags in recycling bins (recycle in bins provided for plastic bags and film or at local stores)
  • NO steel (food) cans or aerosol/spray cans (place in SCRAP METAL container


  • Pour into labeled container under carport cover using the funnel provided.  If funnel is missing, ask attendant for assistance.


Automotive Fluids
  • Pour into large, rectangular container under carport cover.
  • NO brake fluid (take to a household hazardous waste drop-off event)
  • NO antifreeze (pour into container labeled “ANTIFREEZE” under carport cover)


  • Automotive and small equipment lead acid rechargeable batteries only.
  • NO single use household batteries (discard in household garbage, take to a Lexington County Recycling Drop-off Event or take to Batteries + Bulbs in Irmo or West Columbia)


  • Cardboard boxes (brown, corrugated cardboard)
  • Brown grocery bags
  • Brown envelopes, flat
  • NO packing material (discard Styrofoam, recycle air bags with plastic bags in bins provided or at local stores)
  • NO padded envelopes (discard)
  • NO boxes or cartons with gray or white interior (place in MIXED PAPER container)


Clean Wood Waste
  • Naturally occurring clean yard debris (i.e. grass clippings, pine straw, leaves, plant trimmings, branches less than 4 feet long, and 4 inches in diameter, pine cones, etc.) and clean, untreated, unpainted lumber (e.g. pallets)
  • NO plastic bags, non-biodegradable containers, or trash
  • Only accepted at (1) Ball Park Rd, (2) Bush River Rd, (3) Chapin, (4) Edmund, and (5) Sandhills
  • Tree branches greater than 4 feet in length or 4 inches in diameter must be brought to the Edmund Landfill and Compost Facility
  • All clean wood waste is brought to the Lexington County Compost Facility at the Edmund Landfill, where it is processed and made into compost which is then sold to residents and businesses. *Currently unavailable for sale until new operator is available* October 2024 


Cooking Oil and Grease
  • Pour into labeled container under the carport cover.  If container is locked to prevent contamination, leave your container of oil at the base of the cooking oil container for staff to pour in later
  • NO water, soap suds, or other contamination.  Oil should be brought in a cooking oil container to minimize contamination


Fuel / Gasoline
  • Pour into large, rectangular container under carport cover


Glass Bottles, Jugs and Jars
  • Rinse
  • Remove and discard lids/caps
  • Labels do not need to be removed
  • NO plates, cups/glasses, light fixtures, mirrors, windows, windshields or any other type of glass


Household Garbage
  • House trash, items containing food debris, incidentals, small plastic appliances (i.e. items with a cord such as a toaster, alarm clock or vacuum cleaner), clothes, bedding, and dishes (if not reusable)
  • All material should be tightly bagged 
  • This material is sent to a “Municipal Solid Waste” landfill in northeast Richland County


Light Bulbs
  • Fluorescent tubes and CFL bulbs only (discard others)
  • Up to 4 feet in length accepted at all Collection and Recycling Centers and at some local stores including Lowes Home Improvement
  • Longer Bulbs (longer than 4 foot) accepted at the Edmund Landfill


Mixed Paper
  • Beverage cartons – rinse, flatten and discard plastic lids
  • Books – paperback only (e.g. phone books), NO hard covered books
  • Envelopes – with and without clear-view windows, brown, white and colored, NO padded envelopes
  • Flyers, Inserts, Store Ads, Coupons – glossy and non-glossy
  • Food Cartons with a gray or white interior – flatten
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper
  • Paper from hard covered books or from notebooks with spiral binding (discard hard covers and metal or plastic binding)
  • Wrapping Paper – plain only, flattened, NO paper with glitter or foil
  • Tetra paks
  • Spiral Composite Cans (e.g. Pringles, planters peanuts etc.) remove & discard plastic lid 


Motor Oil, Used
  • Five gallon limit
  • Pour into large, rectangular container under carport cover.
  • NOTE: All automotive fluids except brake fluid and antifreeze may be poured into this container.


Oil Containers
  • Empty and place in labeled container under carport cover.


Oil Filters
  • Place in labeled container under carport cover.


Paper, Office
  • Sheets of office/copy paper or shredded paper
  • White or colored, glossy or plain, regular weight or heavy (e.g. cardstock)
  • NO plastic bags


Plastic Containers
  • Empty and rinse
  • Look for a 1-7 in the triangle to identify the type of plastic the container is made from. 
  • 1’s and 2’s are the best and easiest to recycle (e.g. bottles, milk jugs, laundry detergent containers)
  • 3’s, 4’s and 5’s are ok (margarine tubs, cottage cheese containers, yogurt containers)
  • 6’s and 7’s are typically hard/rigid plastics and are only acceptable if they are bottles, jugs or jars
  • Bottles, jugs and jars with a 1-7 in the triangle are acceptable - If the lid screws on, leave it on but if it pops off, take it off (and discard it).  Discard pumps.
  • Tubs – Discard pop-off flat lids
  • Frozen dinner trays, berry containers, etc. – only recycle if a 1 or 2 in triangle symbol
  • NO plastic bags, disposable cups, plates, silverware, lids, straws
  • NO flower pots, kids toys, laundry baskets, or other rigid plastics
  • NO flat lids of any size
  • NO small, loose items (2 inches x 2 inches or smaller or small enough to fit through a cardboard tube)


Scrap Metal
  • Food cans – empty and rinse
  • Aerosol/spray cans – empty, discard plastic nozzle and lid
  • Appliances (e.g. stove, dishwasher, washing machine and microwave)
  • Anything that is mostly metal (e.g. grill, bicycle with tires, lawnmower, swing set, shelves, fans, etc.)
  • NO refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, wine refrigerators or air purifiers (i.e. items containing Freon – take to the Edmund Landfill)
  • NO computers, TVs, monitors, or printers (up to five are accepted at the Edmund Landfill at no charge from County residents and up to five are accepted at some Hazardous Waste Drop-offs)
  • NO fluids (i.e. gas, oil, etc.)


  • Car, truck and ATV tires only
  • Limit 4 tires per day per household
  • Accepted from residents at (1) Ball Park Rd, (2) Bush River Rd, (3) Chapin, (4) Sandhills, (5) Southeast, and (6) Summit Collection and Recycling Centers.
  • Loads of more than 4 tires and tires from businesses accepted only at the Edmund Landfill.
  • Businesses and those with more than 4 tires will pay a $1.50 per tire or $150.00 per ton disposal fee.
  • For a printable PDF of locations that accept tires click here
  • Tires



Yard Waste
  • Unclean/non-recyclable yard debris (e.g. bagged leaves)
  • Bulky materials (e.g. carpet, carpet padding, storm doors,  small furniture)
  • Treated lumber broken down into 4ft pieces (Larger pieces and quantities need to be brought to the Edmund Landfill.)
  • Insert (non-living) material that does not fit into other categories or that consists of multiple materials
  • NOTE: Unlike household garbage, this material is sent to Lexington County’s Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill.



NOT Accepted at Collection and Recycling Centers

Electronics (computers, monitors, printers and televisions)
  • Up to five (5) large electronic items are accepted from Lexington County residents at no charge each day at the Edmund Landfill.
  • Drop-Off Opportunities: Up to five (5) large electronic items are accepted from Lexington County residents at no charge at HHW Drop-Off Opportunities. See Recycling Schedule for list of opportunities available this quarter. 
  • NOTE: Electronics other than computers, monitors, printers and TVs may be recycled in the SCRAP METAL container if mostly metal (e.g. DVD players, stereos) and may be discarded in HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE if mostly plastic.


Household Hazardous Waste (e.g. paint, chemicals, bug spray)
  • Click here for a brochure on how to safely dispose of household hazardous waste.
  • Click here for a brochure on how to safely dispose of paint.
  • Go to the Recycling page for information on Hazardous Waste Drop-off Event schedules or email Laura Anne Hunt, Recycling Coordinator at to ask to receive email notifications of drop-off events.


  • Take to the Edmund Landfill to be recycled
  • No charge for Lexington County residents bringing them from primary residence
  • Lexington residents can bring up to 1 set (a mattress and a box frame) to the nearest collection and recycling center. When choosing this option, remember 1) The mattress will not be recycled and 2) The more bulky items that are put in the compactors, the quicker they will fill up. The quicker the compactors fill up, the less space there is for others to bring their items. Please be respectful when unloading your items and if it is a large load of items or items larger than 4ft in length, bring them to the Edmund Landfill. 


Pressurized Tanks (propane, helium, oxygen)
  • Take to the Edmund Landfill
  • No charge for Lexington County residents bringing them from primary residence


Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifers and any other items that currently or previously contained Freon
  • Take to the Edmund Landfill. 
  • There is a $15 fee per unit for these items.
  • Clean, dry and reusable clothing, shoes and sheets (Please consider donating items able to be re-used to local charities). These items should go in household trash if not able to be donated. 


Store Front

NOTE: Material generated by businesses may NOT be taken to Collection and Recycling Centers.  General recyclables (glass, aluminum cans, cardboard, paper, and plastic containers) may be taken the Edmund Landfill for free.  Other materials may be taken the Edmund Landfill for a fee.  For additional information, go to the Edmund Landfill page.

Questions?  Call Lexington County's department of Solid Waste Management at (803) 755-3325.



Click here for disposal guidelines.


WHERE Are the Collection and Recycling Centers Located?

 Name Street Address General Location
Ball Park Road

301 Ball Park Road

Lexington, SC  29072


West of Lexington off Hwy. 1, near "Wildcat Hollow"
Bush River Road

6109 Bush River Road

Columbia, SC  29212


Located East of Lake Murray Dam, near Hwy. 60 intersection

103 Distant Lane

Chapin, SC  29036


Located at Westwood Road, approx. 1 mile off St. Peters Church Road

325 Landfill Lane

Lexington, SC  29073


Located off Hwy 302, adjacent to the Lexington County Landfill
Hollow Creek

125 Beulah Church Road

Gilbert, SC  29054


Located off Hwy. 378, next to the Hollow Creek Fire Department

702 South Lee Street

Leesville, SC  29070


Located south of Batesburg-Leesville, near S. Brodie Road

1325 South Pine Street

Pelion, SC  29123


Located on Hwy. 302, south of Pelion Fire Department
River Chase

110 River Chase Way

Lexington, SC  29072


Located off Corley Mill Road & Hwy 378 at I-20

3241 Charleston Hwy.

West Columbia, SC 29172


Located on Hwy. 321 near Bray Park & Old Landfill site

538 Martin Neese Road

Swansea, SC 29160


Located off Hwy. 6 on Martin Neese Road

419 Sandpit Road

Leesville, SC  29070


Located between Quinton Richard Road and Dixie Street in Summit



Lexington County contracts with the Babcock Center to operate nine of the 11 Collection and Recycling Centers in Lexington County.  Please be kind and respectful to the hardworking special needs employees at our centers. 



Call Lexington County's department of Solid Waste Management at (803) 755-3325.