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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Solid Waste Contacts

The Lexington County Solid Waste Management administrative offices are located at the Edmund Landfill.

Edmund Landfill429 Landfill Lane

Lexington, South Carolina  29073

Main Phone Number:  (803) 755-3325

Fax: (803) 755-3833


Administrative Office Hours

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday - Friday


Holiday Closings

The administrative offices are closed on South Carolina State Holidays.  The Edmund Landfill is only closed on Sundays and on (1) New Year's Day, (2) Independence Day, (3) Thanksgiving Day and (4) Christmas Day.




Administrative Staff

Lee M

Lee McIntyre


 (803) 755-3325



Deputy Director

(803) 785-3325


Rachel Laster

Accounting and Collections Supervisor

(803) 755-3325


Jeremy H

Jeremy Hallman

Landfill Supervisor

(803) 755-3325

Josh S

Joshua Settlemyre 

Collection and Recycling Center Coordinator

(803) 755-3325

Laura Anne Hunt

LauraAnne Hunt

Recycling Coordinator

(803) 785-3325

Alyssa Williamson

Alyssa Williamson

Waste Reduction Coordinator

(803) 785-3325


Edmund Landfill and Transfer Station Staff

Heavy Equipment Operators (HEOs) keep things running efficiently at the Edmund Landfill, Transfer Station and Compost/Mulch Grinding Facility. 

HEOs on Landfill


Recyclers transfer recyclables from the County's 11 Collection and Recycling Centers to Sonoco Recycling in Columbia and to large collection areas at the Edmund Landfill where they are stored until there is enough for various Recycling Vendors to pick up. 


Other Staff

Scale house employees greet all customers who enter the Edmund Landfill and provide instructions for drop-offs and purchases.  A four-member Litter Crew picks up litter from all over Lexington County.  Maintenance staff help to maintain equipment and the grounds at all 11 of the Collection and Recycling Centers and at the Edmund Landfill.    

Other Staff

Collection and Recycling Center Staff

Lexington County contracts with the Babcock Center to operate nine of the 11 Collection and Recycling Centers.  Please be especially kind and respectful to the special needs employees who work at these Centers.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lexington County's Solid Waste Management administrative office. 


Do You Want to Work for Solid Waste Management?

For employment opportunities, see the current job listings on Lexington County's Employment Page.